The Small Steps You Take Every Day Is What Builds Your Dreams

It’s always so encouraging when people tell me a blogpost or something I wrote inspired them. Usually(I’ve discovered), it’s because I’m willing to share what struggles I’ve gone through and lessons learned on how navigate and overcome obstacles on the writing journey.

It’s great when readers feel free to share their dreams and desires with me too.

For example, many first-time writers have shared with me their dreams like: I have struggled for many many years to finish my book and it’s been a journey on so many levels; I struggle to get past distractions and limiting beliefs to write my book; If only I could become a strong and better version of me, I’d be happier.

I get it. Our dreams can feel huge, scary and overwhelming and almost impossible. But, the best part is that you don’t have to do everything at once.

It doesn’t matter if you have sixty pounds to lose, train for a marathon, or a novel to write, you are going to get there one decision, one step and one keystroke at a time.

Here’s one of the big lessons I’ve been learning lately – as I continue to write my pen name clean romance –  the little steps you take every day is what really builds your dreams.

You see, the small things you do each day ARE the most important things. It’s that first step toward your dreams. 

Lessons Learned from Taking One Step at a Time…

I didn’t become an author or entrepreneur overnight. It took me a really long time(years…), to write and and self-publish my first novel.

What started out first as a desire to write stories, began to grow into more. As I began to learn from other authors and creative entrepreneurs, my dream grew a little bit bigger and went through changes.

It all started with making a decision: I’m going to write the first page of my novel today. I’m going to learn about setting up my author website and growing an email list to connect with readers. I’m going to take another step toward that writing journey I’ve longed for.

What happens then, is you take another step and another. Before you know it, you’ve gone far beyond where you thought you’d ever be. It won’t be long before you discover that these changes all happened, because you decided to take that first small step.

Do you want to create more memories and special moments with your family? Choose to be fully present when they are home with you. Put away the iPad, computer or smartphone and watch your daughter’s favorite movie, play a video game with your son or bring out that deck of cards for a round of family fun(personally, I like playing DutchBlitz with my kids because I have a better chance to win at least one game 🙂 ). To your kids and/or partner nothing is more important than knowing you love them and that you enjoy spending time with them.

A good life is made up of all the little things you do each day.

I encourage you today to ask yourself ~ are you living the moments of each day the best that you can? This is something that I’m still learning to do everyday. I want to learn to catch and be aware of important moments each day and I hope that you’ll be inspired  to make that happen for you too.

The wonderful thing, is that each of us can start right now… today. Just decide that today your intention is to: write for fifteen minutes on your novel; or that you’ll start to eat one salad a day to begin losing weight; or that you’ll take that next step toward your goals.

Whatever your dream is, ask yourself what one small step you can take today to make the changes to make your life better?

Do it now. Simply start. Begin today and take one small step toward your writing dreams. Click To Tweet


Don’t let any excuse hold you back.

Remember, you’ll never get to the big things, if you don’t first find pleasure and reward in the little things.

It’s the small moments each day, that define your life. Do you like where each one is taking you?


What are some small steps you can take today towards your goals and dreams?  Please do comment below, I’d love to hear more about you!


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