How to Focus on FUN as You Write Your Story

If you’ve been working on writing a ton of words this summer, you might have noticed that some days you’d rather pull your own teeth out, then write another word.

If that’s where you’ve been at, I want to encourage you that it doesn’t have to stay that way.

I’ve realized a simple little tweak in my thinking that has had me exponentially tweak my daily word count…


How to Focus on the Fun in Writing Stories…

I’ve discovered how to have fun writing my story.

Simple right? Except how do you do that?

To recapture the fun of the novel I’m working on, I went back to what inspired me to the original idea.

I went back – in my mind and emotions – to that moment when I first was inspired about the idea for this book.

As I’m writing this pen name romance, I went back to inspiration of the Beauty and the Beast trope. I re-watched the live action movie as well as the animation. Then I went to my white board and wrote down the plot. To brainstorm and develop structure, I use the 6 stages of plot and 5 Key Turning Points, that I learned from Hollywood story expert Michael Hauge.

When I brainstorm possibilities of what could happen for each of the 6 Stages and the 5 Turning Points, I focus on the tropes I’m using. In this case it was Beauty and the Beast trope along with the marriage of convenience trope. I go through the story of Beauty and the Beast and think about how I can apply a similar story to my story idea.

It helps to continue to go back and read over early ‘scribblings’ of your ideas for the novel (or series). When I did this, I discovered my passion and inspiration came back for this story!

Then I started writing. And wow – I was so surprised when I checkout my word count for that day – 2, 643 words!

And you know what? I have had quite a few days this month where my word count is over 2,000 – which for me is amazing!

So if you’re stuck, I want to encourage you to simply go back to where you started. Go back to your passion and your first inspiration for the book you’re writing.

Remember that feeling you had with the first story you wrote down and how it felt to create stories.

Remember the inspiration you had.

Remember the passion.

It was fun right?

Now go write 😉


Do you struggle to focus on the fun of writing your story? What are some tips you have to bring back your passion for your story?  I’d love to here your thoughts in the comments!


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